Thursday, July 30, 2015

I Don't Owe You Twenty Percent

Now, I already know that my opinion is probably going to be an unpopular one. But bear with me here. If you are serving me at a restaurant, I do not just automatically owe you twenty percent in tips. There, I said it. Yes, I am aware that working as a server is a tough job. Yes, I am aware that the restaurant pays the server less than minimum wage. And no, I'm not writing this piece because I'm a cheap ass. I've also never worked as a server, and yes I think my argument is still valid.

Servers are always posting pictures of receipts on social media showing that they were either stiffed, or received a wimpy tip on a large order. However, do they ever stop to think that they got a crap tip because they gave crap service? Nope, probably not. There are probably a few customers who just don't believe in tipping or are stingy spenders. But those people are out numbered by the people who do tip generously, or who tip based on quality of service. And if this was not the case, I'm sure that nobody would work as a server to begin with.

I've seen many articles online beginning to demand that customers should tip their server twenty percent, always, all the time, no matter how horrible the service. I've even seen one or two that claimed that tipping anything less than twenty five percent was the worst thing imaginable. Sorry, but if you give crap service, I'm giving you a crap tip. I don't care if you hate me.

I have my own system for calculating a tip. And I personally think it's appropriate and fair.

Every server starts out with a fifteen percent tip.
This is the baseline tip. This means that you got the job done, you were pleasant, and I had no major issues with you.

The tip increases, or decreases based on the quality of service.
It's really that simple. If a server never refilled drinks, never stopped to check on us, and/or was rude or had a nasty attitude, you're getting no more than ten percent. And if you gave the worst service I've ever had in my life, you're getting five percent because you did not do your job properly. I'm not going to pay for service if I didn't receive it. Refilling drinks and being polite, is serving 101. However, I am not opposed to tipping twenty percent...for good service. Fifteen percent is for the people who "got the job done". If you went out of your way, or were extra friendly/helpful, your tip raises to twenty percent.

Over-tipping bad servers encourages bad service.
It's always been my understanding that the percentage tip was supposed to be based on the quality of service. Therefore, if a server is consistently receiving low tips, they should look for areas of improvement. It seems like society's mentality has shifted. Now all servers every where are somehow entitled to twenty percent. This gives them no incentive to improve and give excellent customer service.

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